I have been looking for a prime lens in the wide range for some time now. . I have always used a 16-35 for all the wide work I needed to do, mostly landscapes, architectual work and interior design. This has been the case since I started shooting, with Canon, 6 years ago.
Last couple of years, whenever I shoot events (weddings and other events involving people) I have been using a 35mm lens (When I used canon I had sigma f/1.4, with Sony I use the RX1RII). Last year I felt the urge to add more drama to my shots, go wider, and I started using my 16-35 for event work as well. Considering the fact I am a prime lens geek, this was kinda off, so I started looking for alternatives. I have considered multiple options, like the CarlZeiss 24mm, and the SamYang 14 and 24mm. I was not convinced. Then I found the CarlZeiss Batis 18mm, f/2.8. WOW.
Immediately, convinced. If you're looking for a wide lens in the area of 14mm - 24mm, for Sony E-mount, this is the one you want. This lens is off the chart, in every way. It's fast, CRAZY sharp and beautifully coloured. This lens gives you the feeling you are using something special. And if you love you're loving your prime lenses even remotely similar to how much I do, you're going to fall in love with this lens, as much as I do. If you're looking for something special, the relatively high price is very worth it.
Looking forward to shooting the first events with this lens, will post more when available.