I visited Morocco, more specifically, a World Merit summit, of young changemakers.

Storytelling is about the gem in the ordinary. What might be ordinary for you can be extraordinary and valuable for someone else.
— Ignacio, Mexico
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Youth is the majority. I use my Femine intuition to inspire others. Together we can inspire each other and make a change
— Aya, Dahmani


By creating awareness impact is generated. A little impact can create a desire or inspiration for change.
— Bukola, Nigeria
For me the only value is to help others. To inspire you need to be relatable. Guide them enough to get them to the next step.
— Gustav, Sweden
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World Merit is a small version of how I want the world to be. We work together, regardless of our differences. Although we are different, we manage to make an impact together. If we keep doing this, we will live happily ever after.
— Hind, Morocco
If I fail once, I try again. If I fail again, I will still thrive. To fail is just taking another step to success.
— Leonidas, Burundi
Life is there to be lived and experienced. By joining like-minded we can learn from each other’s experiences, mistakes, and successes.
— Mohamed, Morocco
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Tawakul. Whatever you really want to happen, happens.
— Salwa, United States
I believe youth have the power to change the future for the better. But we have to act now!
— Nair, Chad
Vivamus pellentesque vitae neque at vestibulum. Donec efficitur mollis dui vel pharetra.
— Noor, United States
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World Merit has helped us to open doors more easily to get support in doing what we love.
— Thabo, South Africa
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I believe in performing charity, donating . while staying anonymous, without expecting something in return. This is highly fulfilling and it removes the sense of dependency from receiver to donor.
— Kgabo, South Africa
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We take great care of our active members. We do good for them so they are at their best to impact others. Helping others is not a 9 to 5 job, it is a way of life.
— Awodwa, South Africa
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Youth empowerment is inspiring to make awareness that you can get a lot done for none paid jobs.
— Mpumelelo, Cape town
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World Merit gives me a platform that is bigger than only me, where I can help shape the leaders of tomorrow, giving opportunities that were not given to me.
— Uno, South Africa
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There is so much potential in young leaders and we all have a role to play to empower them in reaching the Sustainable Development Goals. Our community is very willing to contribute, but they need someone to take the lead and unleash the leaders who don’t know they are leaders yet.
— Odwa, South Africa
We have the possibility to bring about change, together. For people that grew up less fortunate than we did.
— Shaan, India
When I get back to Nigeria, I will be following up government policies, inspiring other youth to take action
— Yusuf, Nigeria